Connect Devices to ThingsEye

Last modified by Hera Guo on 2025/02/18 09:29


Table of Contents:

1. Overview

The instructions in this chapter will show you how to connect a device that has been registered to the server to the Thingseye platform.

2. UDP Procotol  -- Directly Connection

2.1 UDP Interface

  • Server Address:
  • Port: 11560

The data sent to above UDP interface will not go directly to client's database.

Please contact ThingsEye team for detail how to forward data to client.

Note:Currently udp connections require port forwarding, please contact the ThingsEye team to inform them of your device's IMEI before connecting.

2.2 Test UDP Interface via Socket Tool

Download the UDP Test Tool from: . Run this tool, and input the server address and UDP port  as below and click send.


In server side, Tenant Administrator can check this in Tenant UDP Server location.


Click and see the debug info as below:


We can see the message arrives, but it shows ERROR because the message doesn't follow with the UDP Server format.

2.3 Test with Dragino NB device

2.3.1 Configure NB-IoT End Node

Device here is S31-NB : and have been configure below

  • Set to use ThingsEye UDP server:,11560
  • Use UDP Uplink & Json protocol: AT+PRO=2,5
  • Equip with a NB-IoT SIM Card to access to NB-IoT Network.

The S31-NB's cellular module has the IMEI: 863663062789483

2.3.2 Check Uplink Data

Re-activate the S31-NB, and we can see it in the debug window:


2.3.3 Auto-Create Device

The default Tenant UDP Server has already been configured to decode the Dragino -NB / -CB NB-IoT node. So once each end node sends a data to server. Tenant will auto create the device in the server.



So we have this device in the Tenant Device List. The next step will be how to use these value to make a nice dashboard for user's application.

3.  Connect to The Things Stack

3.1 Network Structure

The network diagram below illustrates the connection between the devices and The Things Stack, as well as how the data can be integrated with the ThingsEye IoT platform.


3.2 Creat Integration for The Things Stack.

Add Integration


Choose Connection Type


Input Uplink Data Converter Code


Demo JavaScript Code: 

Input Downlink Converter


Example Javascript Code as below:

Set up Connection to The Things Network application


Test Connection & Add iIntegration


After add , we can see the integration here:


We can use Simulate Uplink to simulate an uplink in the things stack. Then we should be able to see the message in ThingsEye



4.Connect chirpstack to Thingseye by way of MQTT

  • How to connect chirpstack to Thingseye by way of MQTT? The following tutorial will show you

4.1 Network Structure

The network diagram below illustrates the connection between the devices andchirpstack, as well as how the data can be integrated with the ThingsEye IoT platform.


4.2 Thingseye adds MQTT integration

Go to the Integrations page in the Integrations center section. Click the plus button to start adding a new integration. Select the type "MQTT" integration and click "Next";


4.3 Add an uplink and downlink data converter

In the function decoder field, specify the script to parse and transform the data.


  • Uplink——JavaScript:

var data = decodeToJson(payload);

var deviceName = data.deviceInfo.deviceName;

var deviceType = data.applicationName;

var devEui = data.deviceInfo.devEui

var label = data.deviceInfo.devEui

var model = {};

var data2 = data.object;

var flg = data.fPort

for (var key in data2) {

    // 将属性名存入新对象中

    model[key] = data2[key];


//var obj =  {"devid":deviceName}

var result = {

    deviceName: deviceName,

    deviceType: deviceType,

    telemetry: model,

    groupName: "Case Study",





        // "High_humidity_alarm":"not set",

        // "High_temperature_alarm":"not set",

        // "Low_humidity_alarm":"not set",

        // "Low_temperature_alarm":"not set",

        // "Low_voltage_alarm":"not set"

        //"customerName": "Civionic Engineering & Consulting (2014) Inc."



function decodeToString(payload) {

    return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, payload);


function decodeToJson(payload) {

    var str = decodeToString(payload);

    var data = JSON.parse(str);

    return data;


return result;


  • Dowblink——JavaScript:

// Encode downlink data from incoming Rule Engine message

// msg - JSON message payload downlink message json

// msgType - type of message, for ex. 'ATTRIBUTES_UPDATED', 'POST_TELEMETRY_REQUEST', etc.

// metadata - list of key-value pairs with additional data about the message

// integrationMetadata - list of key-value pairs with additional data defined in Integration executing this converter

// /** Encoder **/

//var data = {"value":99};

// // Process data from incoming message and metadata

// data.tempFreq = msg.temperatureUploadFrequency;

// data.humFreq = msg.humidityUploadFrequency;

// data.devSerialNumber = metadata['ss_serialNumber'];

// // Result object with encoded downlink payload

var result = {

    // downlink data content type: JSON, TEXT or BINARY (base64 format)

    contentType: "TEXT",

    // downlink data

    data: msg.shared_value ,//JSON.stringify(data),

    // Optional metadata object presented in key/value format

    metadata: {

            topic: '/test/down/'+metadata.deviceName



return result;

4.4 Configure the connection

Generate MQTT certificate integrated on chirpstack

Chirpstack generates CA certificate, TLS certificate, and TLS key respectively

They correspond to the CA certificate file, Certificate file, and Private key file on thingseye



  • Copy the contents of the certificates and paste them into the linked file below, a total of three certificates are required

Integrated Certificate File demo Download Address:

Enter the server address Host: on the Connection configuration

Port: 8883

Credentials type: PEM

Upload the certificate and key file



The default for Topic is:

application/chirpstack application id/device/+/event/up


屏幕截图 2024-11-25 095805.png

4.5 Check the connection



5. Check Data Uplink Log

User can check the devices log in Intergration.
