Changes for page Smart Irrigation System

Last modified by Hera Guo on 2024/12/05 13:42

From version 4.1
edited by Hera Guo
on 2024/12/05 11:44
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 5.1
edited by Hera Guo
on 2024/12/05 11:45
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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116 116  = **7. Dashboard case** =
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118 -[[https:~~/~~/>>]]
118 +This template is a display template forIrrigation Management , It has **Two Level DashBoard **as decribe below.
119 +
120 +The [["Irrigation Management">>url:]] dashboard is designed to provision fields and related devices. It has multiple states:
121 +
122 +* **Main** state allows you to list the fields and display them on the map. We assume that you might have multiple fields with various sensors for each field. We have provisioned two "fake" fields with number of devices for demonstration purposes.
123 +** Click the "+" button in the top right corner of the fields table to create a new field. You may input the crop type and soil moisture thresholds;
124 +** Click the field polygon on the map to open the field state;
125 +* **Field** state allows you to manage irrigation schedule and devices. You may provision new schedule items. The schedule dialog will create scheduler events on the background. Click on the "Alarms" button to browse all alarms. You may also add sensors to the field if needed.
126 +* [[image:||alt="1733295949257-158.png" height="419" width="772"]][[image:||alt="Arrow.png"]][[image:||alt="1733295993883-555.png" height="416" width="757"]]